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Tracey lives in small town Nebraska with her husband Tony and three children. In May 2011 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. This blog is a journal where her friends may take the journey of healing and hope with her. Little messages of encouragement and love will never go unnoticed!

Monday, October 17, 2011

There is no greater mercy that I know of on earth than good health except it be sickness; and that has often been a greater mercy to me than health…
It is a good thing to be without a trouble; but it is a better thing to have a trouble, and know how to get grace enough to bear it.” ~Spurgeon

"And we get grace enough to bear it — when we run into the arms of Grace who bore it all, into Him Who is more than enough."~Ann Voskamp

Thursday, October 6, 2011

God Fights For You

This time, I'm not going to try to rewrite what Tracey messaged me about her trip to Tulsa. It's too beautiful to change.

     When I was down at the cancer center this last time they had a special celebration for those who had been cancer free for 5, 10, and 20 years. It was encouraging seeing those who have fought a battle and won.

     A gentleman who had been cancer free for 6 years came up to me and presented me with a pin that said HOPE. He encouraged to stay strong and to keep fighting!

     No matter what you are going through, cancer, financial problems, discontentment, remember that God will fight for you. You are His child. He created you. When He was on the cross, all the tears, pain, and blood was shed for you. I am so thankful that when I was a teenager I accepted His free gift of salvation. Someone reading this post may not know Jesus personally. I want to challenge you to seek His face and to get to know Him. He is someone you want in your corner when you have your "boxing gloves" on, fighting a battle. Joshua 23:10b ". . . for the Lord your God, He it is that fighteth for you, as He promised you."

Don't ever lose hope, He will FIGHT for you!!

" . . . and ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls,
that not one thing hath failed of all the good things
which the LORD your God spake concerning you;
all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof."
Joshua 23:14b
To tape a little note to Tracey and her family--